A loose tooth can be very annoying and discomforting. Your oral hygiene, gum disease, teeth grinding, hard food, mouth injury, anything can result in a loose tooth. You can let your tooth come out on its own. But the issues that come with that, like problems in eating food, constant sensitivity, etc can be hard to bear. And you just can’t keep waiting for your tooth to fall on its own for a long time. So, how to get a tooth out in a fast and painless way?
How to pull an adult tooth out without pain?

There are a few ways through which you can pull out a loose tooth without hurting yourself. However, if you are experiencing any kind of inflammation or pain, it is advisable that you visit a dentist.
1. Wiggle your tooth
Continuously wiggling your tooth back and forth using your tongue or clean hands will loosen it up. And it will come out eventually, on its own. However, don’t wiggle it too hard or it will hurt. And if you feel any kind of discomfort while wiggling it, see your dentist immediately.
2. Chew on hard food
Chewing on hard foods like apples, carrots, pears, etc will considerably loosen the already loose tooth. Usually, this process is quick and painless. Start with something a little softer and gradually move to something crunchier. You can also bite into an ice pop and pull out the tooth gently while your gum is still numb from the ice.
3. Brushing and flossing
Regular brushing and flossing will also help you pull an adult tooth out without pain. Don’t brush or floss too hard or it can get painful. When you are flossing, gently guide it between your loose tooth and the one next to it. Curve the floss around the bottom of your loose tooth. Also, run your floss up and down each side of your loose tooth. Doing it every day will loosen up the tooth even more and help it come out painlessly.
4. Wet wash cloth or gauze
Use a cold and wet washcloth or gauze to hold and remove the loose tooth gently. If your tooth is not loose enough to come out painlessly, keep wiggling it while holding it with a wet cloth or gauze. When you think the tooth is loose enough, give a gentle tug. The tooth will come out easily and the gauze will help in stopping the bleeding if any.
5. Sucking on ice chips
Sucking on ice chips will help the gums around the loose tooth to get numb. It will prevent you from feeling the pain when you gently pull it out. After you have pulled out your tooth painlessly, keep sucking on ice chips for ten minutes thrice or four times a day to numb the pain. Don’t keep sucking on ice continuously or it will damage your gum tissue.
6. Teething gel
You can use aesthetical gel with benzocaine to numb the tooth socket. This could be very useful if wiggling the tooth is causing pain. Read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully before using the gel. Apply it to your gums, wait for the gel to numb your gums, and then pull out the tooth gently.
7. Use tweezers
You can use tweezers to wiggle the tooth free. If you are not able to pull out the loose tooth without hurting, don’t apply force. You can repeat the process after wait for a few days. When you feel the tooth is loose enough to come out easily, give it a gentle tug.
These are a few ways to get a tooth out in fast and painless ways. But the process doesn’t stop here. Aftercare of your gum is very important.
Aftercare tips after pulling out a tooth

Pulling out a tooth can be quite painful and finding a little blood on the spot is common. Here are a few care tips after pulling out the loose tooth.
1. Use sterile gauze
Apply a little pressure on the tooth socket using sterile gauze to stop the bleeding. The bleeding should stop in a few minutes. You can also press it gently using the upper tooth.
2. Wet teabag
Wet teabag can also come in handy for soothing the gum after pulling the tooth out. Steep the teabag in hot water for a few minutes, squeeze out the excess water, let the teabag cool down for a few minutes and apply it to the tooth socket to dull the pain. You can use chamomile, black, green, or peppermint teabags to soothe the pain.
3. Over-the-counter pain relief medicine
It is not easy to pull out the loose tooth without hurting. If you are still experiencing pain, you can take pain killers like ibuprofen, acetaminophen, etc. Make sure you read the manufacturer’s instructions before taking the medicine. Or, even better, ask your doctor if you are not sure about taking them.
4. Wait for 24 hours before rinsing
After pulling the tooth, there will be a blood clot in the tooth socket. This clot will help the area to heal properly hence it is vital to let it remain in place for 24 hours at least. So, wait for that time before rinsing your mouth. Use a straw to drink water and avoid anything that can result in suction or vigorous rinsing.
Additional tips
- Don’t brush or floss the socket of the tooth you have just pulled out, or the area around it.
- Rinse gently but don’t swish vigorously.
- Don’t consume anything too cold or too hot. For two days, eat soft food and consume everything at room temperature.
- Use toothpaste with fluoride and mouthwash two times a day.
- Avoid smoking and consuming tobacco.
- If you are still feeling pain or sensitivity even after two-three days of pulling the tooth out, visit your dentist.
Try not to pull out your loose tooth until it is absolutely necessary. In case of any discomfort, pain, swelling in gums, and inflammation, visit your dentist immediately.
Should you pull out a loose tooth?
No. Pulling out the loose tooth can be very tempting, but you must avoid it. Wait for your tooth to fall out on its own. And if it is taking too long, visit your dentist.
When should you pull a loose tooth?
Only pull a loose tooth when it is hanging from the socket or is extremely loose. Make sure there is no pain in your gum and no swelling. If you are feeling pain or inflammation, refrain from pulling out your tooth by yourself. Visit your dentist instead.
What happens if you pull out a loose tooth too early?
Pulling out a tooth too early can lead to excessive bleeding and cause too much pain. You might even develop an infection. In that case, you will have to visit your dentist. So, don’t make haste while pulling out a loose tooth.
How long it takes to recover from having a tooth pulled?
It takes 2-3 days for the socket to clot and heal. You need to leave that area alone for at least 72 hours. However, you should go easy on the socket even after that as it takes 3-4 weeks for the soft tissues to heal.